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KULI Newsletter 13/2022
A/C improvements; Efficient use of KULI; Extended online content; Events
A/C improvements
With KULI 16 we introduced the possibility to completely lock branches of an A/C circuit. This significantly increases the range of applications that can be simulated with KULI hvac. In particular A/C systems for modern hybrid and electric vehicles, including modes for heat pump operation, for battery cooling, for cabin cooling, etc. can now be modelled in a single simulation model with ease. In addition, the live ph-diagram has been revamped, speeding up total simulation considerably in many cases.
Many more details and a demonstration directly in KULI are given in the KULI 16 release video.
Efficient use of KULI
Several modelling hints and some features of KULI can support you to quickly arrive at a well-arranged, robust, and reliable simulation model. There are also some possibilities in KULI to get a good feeling regarding the quality of the simulation results and how to check in which range of measurement data the simulation points are located.
With the help of available short keys, double clicks, or the feature “Move guidance” the user gets a good support during the setup of a simulation model. The component model “Circuit component” or available “Fluid Targets” can be used to specify inside a coolant circuit reference temperatures, reference pressure, or the heat. With the feature “System check” KULI not only provides support with simple problems like missing connections between component models it also supports the user to get a good understanding whether the base line data of a component are way out of a physical behavior or not. There is also more complex modelling support in case of A/C circuits or misbehavior in the defined pressure losses of a complex coolant circuit. With the help of available diagrams directly in the component data or in KULI lab it is possible to get a good feeling how accurate the used base line data for the simulation are or the quality of the prediction of the simulation is.
All these topics are discussed and shown in the available video “Efficient use of KULI”.
Extended online content
To support our KULI Users we have again added some new material to our website. You find new examples in our online library which we have created with the knowledge of using KULI in our internal projects.
- Online Library – new examples
- Combined Heat pump – A/C system application: A single model showing the possibility to switch between heat pump mode and A/C mode with the help of lockable branches
- Battery charging: A small example showing how battery charging can be modelled such that different ambient conditions are considered.
- Octovalve: A subsystem that shows how modern multi-valves can be set up
- Workflow for including CFD data to the KULI advanced passenger compartment: This example gives detailed information on how to process CFD data to obtain suitable mass flow and diffusion files for an advanced passenger compartment.
- Hot gas bypass: An example showing how to model direct bypass flow from compressor outlet to compressor suction line.
- And many more…
Online Library
Additionally to the E-Learning videos to learn the functions of KULI base we have now added some videos to learn the functions of KULI hvac to model A/C system, heat pump systems and more.
- KULI E-Learning: Videos to learn the use of KULI hvac
Videos Introduction to use KULI hvac
We want to share our experience in different kind of events. We are offering KULI basic trainings in an online format, which is open for every KULI beginner, and additional KULI online seminars.
- 2022-04-22 09:00-10:30 CEST KULI Online Seminar: Advanced Vehicle Thermal Management System for a fuel cell application
Beside this online event you can book a training in your company or on our site. Please ask for a specific offer.
Additionally we share our experience on several conferences. A few of them we have listed below. It would be nice to meet you at one of them.
- 2022-04-26/27 Amistat Hybridisation and Electrification Forum for NRMM, Hybrid Event
- 2022-04-27/28 HdT Fahrzeugklimatisierung, Essen
- 2022-06-07/08 IMechE VTMS, Midlands
Events & Trainings